I'm writing to follow up. Wanted to make sure what our next step is.
Let me know what makes sense as a next step for your blog, if any?
Thanks for your input.
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animation.outsourcing.sindia12345@blogger.com Subject: Re: Finally, a simple way to get your visitors to stick around longer [animation-outsourcing.blogspot.com]
I just wanted to circle back on my email below re: getting
animation-outsourcing.blogspot.com visitors to stick around longer with
Blogger Related Content Widget.
Across similar size publications / blogs, we're seeing an average increase of 1 minute on site with the addition of our widget.
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animation.outsourcing.sindia12345@blogger.com Subject: Finally, a simple way to get your visitors to stick around longer [animation-outsourcing.blogspot.com]
You work so hard to get those visitors to
animation-outsourcing.blogspot.com, the last thing you want to do is have them bounce after reading one short post and never return.
Well… That is exactly what Limk does for you! Here is a quick rundown of what our related content widgets can do for you:
Asynchronous loading — What this means in non-geek speak is our widgets load completely separate from your site so your site's speed is NOT affected.
Continuous optimization — As you get more impressions, the widget will keep improving its calculations on what content of yours will be the most effective to display.
NO external URLs (a.k.a SEO Killers) — We only use internal URLs so you get to keep all of that precious "Link Juice" for yourself!