Sunday, February 15, 2009

Intelligent Marketers in Internet Marketing

There are many many niches that can be just as profitable and are not marketed to as aggressively as the make money online niche. For example fishing, weddings, health and beauty, home improvement. The list goes on and on. Of course there are also many sub-niches or "micro-niches" that can be explored as well. For example in the fishing niche you could take a look at bass fishing, fishing lures, fly fishing, fishing bait, etc, etc In the wedding niche, you could consider these micro-niches - wedding flowers, honeymoons, wedding dresses, wedding speeches, cheap weddings, wedding favors, etc, etc. If you are selling a product as opposed to making money through advertising such as Adsense then you will also need to write salescopy, create graphics (ebook covers, webpage graphics), create a salespage, download page and more. All of this time and work before you have even made a dime. There is one main problem though and that is the fact that pretty much every other online marketer is working in this niche as well, and with so many marketers targeting the same group of people online . comit is becoming increasingly hard for the smaller, lesser known names to get their products and services seen amongst sea of other offers from competing marketers.